Online Marketing Keynote Speaker SEO Marketing Presenter


Joey is an approachable, engaging speaker who presents online marketing concepts in a digestible, understandable way — making it easier for participants to look at their website, blog and social media efforts as a whole.

As with his book, A Holistic Guide to Online Marketing, Joey’s programs provide a global view of online marketing, discussing three major disciplines — search engine optimization, user experience and conversion — to give participants a solid understanding of what each of these methodologies are, and why they’re important.

In addition, the programs also dive into a practical approach on how to APPLY each of these disciplines to one’s website, blog and social media efforts, respectively.

Through the use of real-world examples and proven strategies, these fun, interactive presentations show participants how to improve their online marketing efforts in attainable and sustainable ways.

Here’s an overview of Joey’s most popular programs, as well as key takeaways participants and organizations can expect …


Learn the six areas that need to be optimized on every page of your website — and how to effectively implement SEO for greater visibility and more website traffic. We'll dive into title tags, meta descriptions, image and alt image names, headlines, content, and text links. We’ll also touch upon what keywords are, as well as how to choose and use them for optimal results. Joey’s four extra tips focus on SEO and backlinks, Google Business, blogging — and three “magic questions” to help you transform your content so it’s more engaging and relevant.

Key Takeaways
Some of the learnings participants can expect include:

  • Gaining an understanding of exactly what SEO is
  • How to create a keyword report and effectively choose relevant keywords
  • Where to implement keywords on each and every web page and blog post
  • Three "magic questions" that can greatly improve the quality of any content — which is good for engaging with website visitors AND search engines

Learn six proven ways to improve the user experience (UX) on your website — including navigation do’s and don’ts, homepage and subpage layout tips, the creation of effective calls-to-action — as well as the "Introduction vs. the First Date,” philosophy. Joey will also talk about how to remove “noise” and distraction from your site for a better UX. The presentation focuses on both desktop and mobile versions of your website.

Key Takeaways
Some of the learnings participants can expect include:

  • How to streamline your website navigation for a better UX
  • How to improve the user experience on a website’s homepage
  • Understanding the difference between desktop and mobile design
  • Creating a spectacular subpage UX

In this presentation, Joey shares six ways to improve the conversion methodology on your website including: proven conversion strategies for your homepage and subpages; how web design can affect conversion; why carousels, parallax websites and pop-ups should be avoided — and what to implement instead of them for better conversion. We'll discuss both mobile and desktop versions of your site for a full understanding of how to effectively apply these proven conversion methodologies.

Key Takeaways
Some of the learnings participants can expect include:

  • How conversion and user experience are tied together
  • How to improve conversion on a website’s homepage and subpages
  • How the design of a website can improve or destroy conversion
  • How to choose a call-to-action that engages with website visitors

What would you think if you went to the doctor for your annual physical, and he or she only checked your right arm and your left foot? That’s not a full physical, right? There’s a lot more that needs to be done in order to make sure you’re functioning properly — as a whole.

It’s the same with online marketing. It has to be looked at holistically, as one. Yet, most of the time, this is not the case. Instead, each facet of online marketing is often addressed in a silo, disassociated from the rest. This can result in fractured and ineffective online initiatives that leave organizations feeling frustrated.

A Holistic Guide to Online Marketing provides a global view of online marketing, looking at your website, blog and social media efforts as a whole.

First, we discuss three major disciplines — search engine optimization, user experience and conversion — so workshop participants can gain a solid understanding of what each of these disciplines are, and why they’re important.

Then, we dive into a practical approach on how workshop participants can APPLY each of these disciplines to their website, blog and social media efforts, respectively. The workshop is chock-full of actionable steps on how to assess your website, blog and social media — and make meaningful improvements.

Key Takeaways
Some of the learnings participants can expect include:

  • Gaining a clear understanding of search engine optimization, user experience and conversion — and why each is important
  • A practical approach on how to effectively apply SEO, user experience and conversion into one's website, blog and social media efforts
  • Actionable steps on how to assess one's website, blog and social media
  • Sustainable ways to make meaningful improvements


Ready to book Joey? Have questions? Feel free to get in touch anytime!